
Forks in soup is illogical; just as a man in air. With no wings to fly or flaps to soar, why would a man want to visit a sky to only find nothing but a surplus of clouds? Birds own our sky and our sky owns all its birds. Birds, with strong wings that consist of continuous tiny, fluffy, floating wings, do not own ground a man walks on. Bound to sky but starving for food on our ground, it is a fight just to push on and stay living.

Why would a man want to visit this vast dump anyways? No living things unknown to us stay up in our sky. I call it our sky, but it is not ours to own. Birds own our sky and our sky owns all its birds. Our sky owns our sky, and nothing man can do will allow man to own any sky. Man can visit all day for all his days and still not own what our nomad birds own. Man still visits occasionally, though out of angst and frustration for what will always stay unruly and unknown to him.

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